Archive for the ‘Irritating People At School’ Category

I skipped my lunch period two days in a row to get paper cuts while trying to post my flyers up everywhere around the school building.

I’m running for senior senator and elections are tomorrow.

Except here’s the thing. Yesterday, I posted up a whole bunch of flyers 7th period. And by 9th period, half of them vanished into thin air.

I know what you’re thinking, “They probably fell off, student’s brushed up against them, they wind came through the windows and took them away, etc..”

But I have a friend who told me that the friends of the candidate that’s running against me are tearing down my flyers.

Now, that’s just messed up, isn’t it? I’m not afraid of a little competition, but ripping away flyers is just against the rules.

But you know what, I’m not even going to let this get to me.

They obviously think I’m a threat if they feel the need to rip away my posters.

Besides that, a lot of people know that they are ripping away my posters and that I’m not doing the same to their’s because I refuse to stoop down to their level.

That just makes them look bad and makes me look better.

So I know I’m going to win this election and you know what? I don’t even need the flyers to do it, the other candidate is simply helping my campaign.

The one moral lesson that you keep coming back to in high school is that you really can’t trust people.

Well, at least that’s the one moral lesson that I keep coming back to. And I know it feels like I complain about this a lot but it also feels like I’m learning this lesson again and again. Although I am more wary of people and their actions now.

For example, if you look closely at a group or girl friends, there is almost always someone who hates the other but acts like they are best friends. There are always actors in the crowd. Because the public image is more important than what you really think.

Even my own friends sometimes don’t really feel like friends. Sometimes people try to be close to you only to manipulate you and get something they want.

And the thing about trust, is that it’s used as a weapon. Simply telling someone, “I’m trusting you”, even if you’re not trusting them, is simply getting it into their head the fact that you trust them therefore, they must act a certain way. If though you don’t really trust them.

Does this make sense?

I don’t know, it’ll probably make more sense if I was more specific and told you guys exactly what’s going on in school to make me write this stuff (otherwise known as how a blog is technically supposed to work) but that’s just so much work, so I think I’ll just let your thoughts wander for now.


“Oh my gosh, I’m soo fat.”

“Ugh, look at this tiny piece of flab, I should like quit eating.”

“Why do my thighs jiggle? I want a thigh gap”. etc.

And the list goes on. You know, I’m pretty sure I’ve wrote a post almost IDENTICAL to this one but it’s just SO common in teenage girls.

Yes, I know, sometimes people just like to complain. But trashing yourself about your figure, in front of someone who’s more “curvier” than you are?

Come on, how do you think that makes me feel?

I usually don’t like to complain. In fact, I hate it, I hate it when people do it too much too.

And so even if I am sometimes not satisfied with my body, I won’t say it out loud. Especially not in front of someone who’s fatter than me!

I don’t know, that just leaves people in an awkward position.

When I’m with a girl who says that she is fat, I’m just like,

“Okay, you call yourself fat, then what am I supposed to be..?”

When was the last time you heard a teenager say, “God, teenagers are so stupid these days,” like they are apart from the crowd?

I would tell you how many times I’ve heard just within the last few months but honestly, it’s simply too much to count.

There are too many people out there that think they are better than the rest of us when they’re really not. Maybe they want to be “different” but honestly, simply by trying to hard to be “different” they are all just the same.

The key is accepting it. Just accept who you are, stop trying so hard to define yourself as something and let it be.

I won’t lie, I like being considered different from the typical “teenagers” but you know what, I’m a teenager and no matter how hard I try, I will at times be “a typical teenager”. I admit that.

There’s really no point in leaning back and criticizing other people within your group and then act like you’re not a part of it.

You are. Criticize it all you want, but you are just like that.

For example, people who say, “Oh my gosh, people try so hard to fit in, they are just altering they’re personality every time, it’s pathetic.”

Again, I completely agree. Right up to the point when they say, “I’m so above that. I could never be like that.”

And then they do that. They change up their personality depending on who they’re with.

Again-it’s not SO bad, it’s natural, you don’t even know you’re doing it. But accept it.

Stop living in denial.

And if you’re insulting people who are just like you, you are insulting yourself.

.. And I’ll probably punch you in the face.


I’m sick of completely fake ass people that are so annoying that they irritate your last nerve.

So maybe that sounded a little harsh. But whatever.

I’ve just noticed that people are okay individually, usually if you talk to them in a realistic way, see who they really are, you like them as a person.

But drop them in a group of people and damn, it’s like switches going off all over the place alternating from personalities.

And girls. My god, especially girls, man. I don’t mean to diss my own gender but man they are annoying. Flirty, whiny, giggly, and just fake too often.

I know girls, where if you talk to them individually, they will be the best down to earth people to talk to. But place them in a social outing, and they’re sitting on their guy friend’s laps, giggling, complaining, oh and turning every outing event into a photo shoot so they can post pictures on the internet and become cyber famous.

Wow, you’re cool. This is the reason why I don’t even like social gatherings anymore. People act fake to impress others, to create a sort of impression, to just act stupid and “wild” like they see teenagers “supposed” to be on tv and I’m just like “Give me a freakin break, can’t you all just be yourselves?” They’d all probably be more appealing that way anyways.

We all just need to express our feelings right? Just rant, explode, or even just curse a few people out to get things off our chests. Sometimes we want to talk about it with people. Sometimes.. we don’t.

If you don’t want to talk about it, why would you reach out to people then?

It’s like crying for help when you’re dangling off a cliff and then ignoring the hand that’s stretched towards you. Or the simplified version: simply screaming for attention but not doing anything with it.

People post status’s on Facebook- they use Facebook as their diary, venting their feelings, except they don’t really explain shit! And yeah, I get that Facebook is kinda public and you don’t wanna explain your personal issues on it, but why would you mention it in the first place? To just get it off your chest? Go find a person to tell your shit to, or better yet, buy a diary.

It’s just really annoying when you see a status like,



“I just can’t take it anymore.. -feeling shitty”

And then when you comment, asking whats wrong (just trynna be a decent friend here) they just like your comment and ignore it.

I mean fine, don’t comment back. But you could hit me up, talk to me in person, say something.

Other people comment too, responding to her cry for help. But she simply turns away. If you can’t talk about it, why just concern everybody.

So everyone can sit there and wonder about you without being able to help?

How twisted is that?


If you’re gunna vent on facebook but not explain or talk to anybody just to buy a diary. They won’t ask questions, trust me. And if they do..

I suggest you go see a doctor about that.


Sometimes I feel like I’m in an inner war with myself.

Like I know right from wrong but I do wrong and it starts bugging me and I don’t know what to do to make it right.

I’m a bad person. Okay, so I’m probably not. Maybe not completely. But sometimes I get mean. And I give attitude for no reason. But then, I feel like complete shit afterwards. Like, for days, I’ll feel like complete shit. It bugs me. It gets to me. It gets to me so much that I can’t even study for my midterm which is what I’m supposed to be doing now.

I’ve been giving attitude lately to one of my friends. And I don’t think he really did anything. Not really. It’s just- I feel dumb around him. He has a way of making me feel completely foolish. He doesn’t really brag about his grades- in fact, he doesn’t brag at all.

It’s the fact that when you ask him, he says his grades so nonchalantly, and he admits he doesn’t study at all, he doesn’t really try, and you have to wonder how the hell you can study your ass of to get an average grade and watch someone get awesome grades without trying.

And that got to me, I guess. It’s a problem. Maybe that makes me arrogant. I can’t stand the idea of someone else being smart without working their butt off. But that’s no reason to give them attitude.

And that’s what I’ve been doing. And he knows it too. And I bet you he knows why. And I know he knows. And so now, I feel terrible.

And that’s what lead me to rushing over to my blog to rant out all my thoughts and clear my head.

So now maybe, maybe, I can get to studying for my test.

Let’s just forget our morals

Let’s just change our clothes

Let’s do what we know is wrong

Because that what the cool kids do.

Let’s have a laugh

Let’s make a joke

Let’s be exclusive

Because that’s what the cool kids do.

Let’s get crazy

Let’s get wild

How about think for a second?

Nahh- that’s not what the cool kids do.

1: Pick out an outfit that exaggerates your assets. For example, a shirt that makes your boobs pop up like balloons and maybe some shorts that could be mistaken for panties.

2: Make sure you are in your bathroom with the toilet as your background.

3. Hold your camera phone away from you, but at a higher position, never directly straight in front of you. This is to make you appear “smaller” even though you have worn clothes that make you appear bigger.

4. Bend your knees a little and squeeze your shoulders closer to you so that a nice line appears on your cleavage.

5: Pucker your lips into a duck face and click the capture.

6. (Optional) Post the picture online with a nice filter with either of the following captions:

– I look ehh but whatever

– All natural

– Blurry, and I look fat, but whatevs

Congratulations! You have now learned one of the most important skills of being the typical air-headed teenage girl.

And fool me more times than that, well that’s just pathetic on my part.

People who use people.

Well doesn’t that just leave a bad taste in your mouth?

It leaves a bad taste in mouth, I’ll give you that.

I gotta be honest, I’m not a toy.

You need a toy to play with? Go play a doll or something for “Toys ‘R’ Us”.

You don’t toy with people. Especially your friends.

And you know what, I’ll leave it that.

Because I’m too pissed to explain right now.

But when your closest friends ignores and then only talks to you when it’s  useful for her, yeah, that kinda sucks.

And when you let it happen again?

You have no right to feel sorry for yourself like I am right now.

So yeah.

Who needs close friends when you’ve got a blog?

It’s all good.